Very good
Newgrounds is populated with reviewers who have no lives and have enough free time to sit there and cry for attention by writing hateful comments that reflect nothing upon the movie. Therefore, I am glad that you are ignoring the masses of little ignorant pricks who give you 0's with absolutely no justification. Half of these people don't even have the brains to look at the submission date or even bother to click on the "read more" button which offers an explanation of the movie and the joke.
Anyway, I enjoyed your movie and I appreciate the work you put into it. I realize that you are a very good animator and also try to think outside of the typical violence and blood "box". People who blam movies just because they hate anime are shallow and stupid people who just want something to hate. Keep up the good work and I'm glad this was put back onto the front page, otherwise I would never have seen it. Cheers to you!