Absolutely Wonderful
The entire movie was superb and I can only begin to imagine how you create such awesome and realisticly smooth flashes. I can only hope that you continue the Brackenwood series and continue submitting to Newgrounds.
Absolutely Wonderful
The entire movie was superb and I can only begin to imagine how you create such awesome and realisticly smooth flashes. I can only hope that you continue the Brackenwood series and continue submitting to Newgrounds.
Not bad at all
I had the same impression as many other people, when the movie first loaded I was like "Blam" but then I waited and clicked the "Kill" option and watched. To my surprise it was actually fairly entertaining to watch, if not slow in some parts (especially during that two view thing) but not bad at all. My recommendation is to create a better loading screen that won't convince people to Blam it in the first few seconds, and second recommendation is rename the next one to something other then "Dan the Ball" (because ppl will Blam if they think you ripped it from "Bob The Ball")
thnx for the tip. but his name shalt remain Dan.
Woo Hoo!
Yay, I made earned the final bonus video. Just to prove that I earned it, it's called "The Ultimate FF Parody" and its stick figures :). Great flash and mini-game. The trick to the mini-game is to turn your sound off and then repeat the order out loud (like he suggested). It helps a lot. Also, try to look for a pattern. Make more LegendaryFrog, your my hero!
I had that song stuck in my head all day after watching this movie last night! Ring ring ring ring ring banana phone.....Ring ring ring ring ring banana phhhooonneeee....I've got this feeling, it's so appealing....
AHHHHHHH make it stop!
Well great flash, good humor. Make it stop plz ahhhh....
I dunno....
Anything that is well drawn and doesn't make sense is immediately dubbed "Deep and Thought Provoking" by the Newgrounds community in an attempt to make it seem like they understood the flash. I thought you obviously put a lot of time into the flash and I'm sure the plot makes sense to you....but personally it was boring. Well drawn, yet boring.
Now people can flame my post and say they understood it, but honestly most of them are lying. Good job, good effort, bad plot for a movie. Flashes should entertain, not confuse. That's all.
How long did this take to make?
Just curious how long it took to make. Very clever story and great animation and sound. But as the guy who reviewed before me said, I gave you a 9 because it was missing something, just wish I knew what. I know that whatever it's missing, "Bitey of Brackenwood" has, so go watch that and try and figure it out =P.
Great Job Though!
Very Good
Inferno-Duck, you wouldn't be able to recognize a good flash if it came up and bitched slapped you in the face, then knee-ed you in the nuts (although their so small it would be hard to hit them).
Back on topic, a very well drawn flash but with a typical plot. I still think that Bitey of Brackenwood deserves first place, but you would be a close second.
I guess the movie wasn't that bad in terms of animation. However, I have noticed that movies like this end up making the top 10 only because they are extremely violent and bloody. Personally, I do not believe that such a violent movie should overshadow the great pieces of work such as "Bitey of Brackenwood" and "There She Is" which are much more wholesome, and in my opinion, took more thought and work.
well I believe it's kinda original and well thought and twisted. But I don't think it's better than the movies you mention either, but the score is NG's decision not mine. But I do put a LOT of effort in this one.
Enjoy making movies, watching flashes, and long walks on the beach...
Age 38, Male
Penn State
Joined on 12/30/02